Women´s Challenge: The first accelerator to solve the main challenges of the 21st century women

Ene 8, 2017 | Noticias

At Ship2B, we have set as our new objective solving women’s main challenges in the 21st century. In order to achieve that, whe have partnered together with the “Fundación EY” and “Mujeres de Impacto” to create “Women’s Challengea unique and exclusive business acceletator that will be focused on boosting hig-impact startups which answer to the challenges of the womens.

As “Maite Fibila” says, co-founder of Ship2B, “Women’s Challenge” was born due to 2 main reasons, 1st of all is because we, the women keep finding a huge amount of challenges which are still unsolved, and at Ship2B, we want to support all those projects that are figthing every day to answer those challenges. And secondly, we realised that when whe analysed the accelerated projects in Ship2B, during the last 2 years we detected a clearly low presence of woman-led projects, and we eant to change this, we want to support new business projects led by women with talent.

The selected projects will be able to access the “Funding and accelerating program B-Ready“, where they will receive 1st-level mentoring through the mentoring network of Ship2B, Women of Impact and of course, all the support from “Fundación EY”. They will be connected with businesses and organisations in order to be able to establish strategic alliances which ease the “go to market” and “boost their sales”. And finally, the highest potential projects can receive investment through our co-investment vehicle, up to a total of 75.000 Euros, and will also have access to our investors network.

“In this first edition of Women’s Challenge, we’re looking for two type of business projects. Either projects led by either mens or womens but where their main focus is to answer any issue or women-related challenge or projects led by women regardless of those projects not being directly linked to the woman”, says Josep Biosca, coordinator of the B-Ready program

In order to access to the program, the different startups must have a clear business model, an initial and alraeady validated pilot which is in the comercialization phase, and a full-time dedicated team to the project and that require of an investment of at least 100.000 € in order to keep going forward

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